Thursday, November 29, 2007

Working ideas...

Over the past two weeks, I have not been able to get thoughts out of my head and on to this blog.

It's like I have 5 different struggles going on, and none of them is finding rest.

1) Death: everyone dies, but few every really live. So... go on and really live, right?
2) Insecurity is false security exposed.
3) This might not be true for you, but I am free to do whatever I want, without consequence - now what do I do with that!?
4) Empowering leaders make people feel powerful.
5) God likes me.

Maybe I'm not struggling with making sense of my current state of mind.
As a visual artist, I find that what I create often captures perfectly for me what words could not contain. I'll take it to the canvas, soon, and post the results.
A bit of meditation and abstract thinking is good for the soul.

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